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How to Braid a Leather Bracelet: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Braid a Leather Bracelet: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leather bracelets never go out of style because not only are they stylish, but they also add a lot of appeal to yourself, not to mention the fact that they are very comfortable to wear.

Hence, many people want to have their own leather bracelet. Sure, you can go to the mall, shop, or any store to buy them. But little do people know that you can make your own leather bracelet.

In this article, we will be showing you how to braid a leather bracelet in the best way possible. We’ll also tell you the things you need to prepare so that you will have an easier time personalizing your own leather bracelet.

1. First thing is follow the fringe cutting technique

The first thing you need to do to create a leather braid bracelet is to follow the fringe cutting technique where you are going to braid each of the cut strips directly.

What’s nice about this is that each of the braid’s ends will be directly connected. This also means that they will be intertwined with each other regardless of the shape or style you want it to have.

Make sure that you have all the materials needed so you will have an easier time dealing with the braiding process later on.

2. Plan out the length and width of your braid

Plan out the length and width of your braid before you implement the three-stand braiding process.

Make sure that the length of the braid will be in sync with the size of the leather because you'll need more braid if it goes short with the leather.

Also, note that braiding leather usually shrinks the length to around 25%. But this depends on the leather’s thickness as well as the strips’ width.

3. Start cutting a three-strand fringe

Now, it’s time to start cutting a three-strand fringe by holding its upper portion in place. Doing this makes braiding easier. You can also get a binder clip to connect its handles on the loop.

Start braiding the way you’d do to a regular braid. But make sure this time that you alternate the sides.

Take the strips from the outer portion and directly cross it over to the center area. Never let the strips go upside down because this will mess up the braid. Also, see to it that the side of the grains face up.

4. Cut three strands from the exterior side of the strip

Note that a three-strand braid will look like any regular braid. However, what makes this different is that both of its ends are closed, which gives this a striking look.

Now, the next thing to do is to cut three strands from the exterior side of the leather strip similar to what you did to the regular three-strand braiding.

However this time, make sure that you connect both ends. You can also create a hole on the start of each cut so they can cross to the other side much easier.

5. Pull the right strip's center portion to the center strip 

Slowly pull the right hand strip’s center portion to the center strip. Then carefully pull it on the strip’s left hand bringing it to the left area.

You have then just created the start of your braid. However, you might need to untangle the cross strands especially that they are thicker.

You can do this by grabbing the leather’s lower portion and folding it up along the threaded area. This is alongside the center of the strands found on the right-most side.

6. Slowly pull the strip's along the entire thread

Slowly pull it along the entire thread and twist it just enough for the side of the grains to face up.

This will then create something that looks messy because of the many strand twists. You might find that odd, but don’t worry because that’s normal. Anyway, you’ll still be fixing that up.

To get rid of that messy look, fold the lower side of the leather going upward and let it slowly pass alongside the area found on the left-most side where the center strands are located.

Work your way from the top going downwards and gently untwist the strands until the braids are flat.

7. Now create a four-strand braid

ow is the time to create a four-strand braid. It might sound complicated, but it’s just very similar to the three-strand braid. You just need to start out by first cutting four strips instead of just three.

Start out by crossing both of the strips found at the center from right to left. After that, bring the strip found on the left-most side directly on the strip on the center area.

How to Braid a Leather Bracelet

Then cross the right-most strip below the left strip on the center and then going to the left-most strip.

Also, continue going on the same rhythm when creating the braid’s entire structure. Remember to bring the left side strand to the center area by connecting above.

Repeat the same process by bringing the strand on the right going to the center and then bringing it under and then above.

Also, make sure that the side of the grains are facing upward. The strand tension should also be the same so that the weaving pattern is even.

8. Lastly, bring the left-most strand to the back of the rope

Then bring the left-most strand to the back of your rope just to the lower right-most edge of the strand. Continue doing this until you go to the next thread from the left. It’s basically just resting up on the center-most area at the front.

Repeat the same process, but this time, from the right-hand section. Take the right strand all the way to the rope’s back section below the left-area of the strand and then to the next strand on the other side. Tighten the braid afterward.

Continue this pattern until you finish the entire bracelet. And there you have it, you’ve just learned how to braid a leather bracelet in the best way possible. 

However, if you prefer to buy a personalized leather bracelet for her rather than braid one, you can follow our guide on tips to buy a leather bracelet for women.


Concluding all of this, you can clearly see that knowing the process on how to braid a leather bracelet is not really that hard. Personalized braid bracelets are another cute Valentine's Day gift idea for her.

You just need to know the right method, use the right tools, and have the right amount of creativity and discipline to make an appealing and durable leather bracelet.

28th Feb 2022

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